Taking a look at Thai Coffee Beans; the New Alternative for Baristas and Coffee Lovers

In the era that coffee consumption has reached worldwide popularity, modern day coffee lovers don’t only drink coffee as a morning routine but also to enjoy the smooth and complex taste. Moreover, coffee has become an art in creating beverages that are popular all over the world. Thai Coffee Beans are being kept an eye on within the barista industry and is an alternative that is finding public favor amongst the coffee lovers worldwide.

With its geographical location, it is possible to grow both Arabica and Robusta coffee beans which are the main species that people around the world love to drink. It has a unique taste, whether it is smoothness, a unique aroma, and the complexity of the taste according to the geographical location and meticulous planting process.

The differences between Thai coffee beans, Arabica and Robusta species are:

Arabica : Provides a complex and diverse taste from its planting area being more than 800 metres above sea level causing its fruity taste and distinctive aroma like flowers, honey, or nuts, depending on the environment of the place where it is grown and it is the strain that has clear acidity, so it has a unique sourness and refreshing character.
Body or Firmness: gives a soft touch.

Robusta : Gives a rich, full-bodied flavor and a more bitter finish with a nutty taste that is less sweet and sour than Arabica coffee because of its low acidity but high caffeine. Therefore, it is popularly used to make espresso or latte coffee that requires a strong coffee flavor.
Body or firmness: gives a full-bodied taste.

If any barista that wants coffee that is light, smooth, refreshing, and has a sweet and sour fruity tone, we recommend the Arabica coffee bean. But if you like a strong, full-flavored coffee and want to make it into a mixed milk menu, we recommend the Robusta coffee beans.

Thai coffee beans not only has diverse flavors but also has a standard quality that has been presently worldwide guaranteed from several agencies that have joined to improve the qualities by holding several competitions in each year, both local and international, which creates the Thai coffee’s global standard images and lets the local and international consumers know that the coffee grown at different regions has different unique tastes. This is also a way to support local farmers in each province while sustainably improving the economic growth; creating jobs and occupancies for local farmers while also producing income back into the Thai country as well.

Any coffee entrepreneur or barista that is looking for Thai coffee beans that can be a solution in terms of both taste and price for their business needs, they can study about the cultivation source in each province to decide on choosing the right coffee beans that provide the right taste that each vendor wants.

Because in Thailand, there are 5 world renowned coffee bean growing provinces that are famous for cultivating coffee beans. Each region grows different coffee strains with different climates and environments that are conducive to growing while the taste of each species provides the entrepreneurs or baristas who are choosing coffee beans to have a wider range of options.

Chiang Mai: As the province has cool climate and is 800-1,500 metre above sea level, the moisture, soil quality, and sunlight levels are at optimum levels. Chiang Mai has famous coffee growing areas like Omkoi district, Doi Saket district, and Kalayaniwattana district that are fond of growing Arabica coffee which provides the fruity taste and flower tone aroma.

Chiang Rai: A province that is 800-1,500 metres above sea level and has an overall surrounding environment that is suitable for growing high quality Arabica coffee. Chiang Rai has famous growing areas like Doi Chang, Doi Wa Wi, and Doi Pang Khon that are world renowned.

Nan: Nan is a province that is above sea level around 800-1,500 metres and has a rich overall environment, therefore making it suitable for growing Arabica coffee as well. Nan has famous coffee growing areas like Ban Manee Pruek, Ban San Charoen, and Doi Sakad.

Chumporn: The province is nicknamed as “the capital city of Robusta” as it has the largest coffee plantation in Thailand. With its hot and humid climate, it is suitable for growing Robusta coffee because Robusta coffee can tolerate hot and humid climates very well. Therefore, it is often used to make instant coffee or used as blend coffee that requires a strong taste and high caffeine.

Nowadays, the coffee bean industry is popularized and has been grown in several areas within Thailand. Both in terms of quality and freshness from farm to package along with several fast logistics as well. Moreover, using coffee beans that are grown in Thailand will also support and generate income for the Thai farmers as well. It is considered as an economic development and sustainable income distribution towards the community.

Boncafe also has a wide range of great quality Thai coffee beans for selection depending on taste and price requirements for the entrepreneurs as well. With meticulous selection from the famous farming areas within the country and processed with roasting and blending to acquire the coffee beans that provide the most unique taste and aromatic characters.

Recommended Coffee Bean by Boncafe
Boncafe Es-Yen

Strain: Arabica and Robusta
Roast Level: Medium-dark roast

An easy to drink coffee bean blend with a good touch from the perfect combination between 2 coffee bean strains; Arabica from the famous farmland in the northern parts of Thailand and Robusta from the renowned growing areas in the south of Thailand. It gives a unique taste, full of flavor and aroma with milk chocolate and nutty tones. It is a coffee blend especially for Thai coffee lovers that are fond of the Es-Yen coffee menu with the perfect intensity for both black and milk coffee, whether hot or cold.

Barista and coffee lovers can be confident more than ever because the Boncafe Es-Yen coffee bean has been quality and taste guaranteed from the world class stage “International Taste Institute” with the 1 star of “Superior Taste Award 2024” which has been awarded by the committee of more than 198 renowned Sommeliers. This emphasizes the quality and standards of Thai coffee beans that has been praised on the global stages and is considered as one of the interesting options for modern coffee lovers and baristas that are seeking for coffee beans to craft into the customers’ favorite beverage menus.

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